
How to shift your “victim” story through self-acceptance

Have you ever hesitated to share your story because you were afraid others would pity you for it?

I remember how I used to feel when I told others about my experience growing up with an alcoholic mother.

“Aww, poor you,” I would hear them say. “That must have been hard.”

It was. It deeply affected my self-esteem and sense of belonging. It created deep wounds of abandonment, fear of rejection, and feelings of worthlessness.

But that experience is also what motivated me to pursue self-healing, activated my spiritual awakening, and drew me along the path to birthing my coaching business so I could serve others in their healing and soul-growth journeys.

My story made me who I am. And while I used to hide my story or expect condolences from others, I no longer worry about others pitying me for it because I no longer see myself as a victim.

You see, the key to shifting your story is to change the inner narrative from victim to victor. And to do that, you need start with radical self-acceptance.

Through self-acceptance comes self trust, authenticity, and alignment with who you truly are at Soul-level. And from this place, you can birth the spiritual business that you have in your heart and serve the people who most need you.

But how, exactly, do you fully accept yourself?

Well, it’s definitely a practice. It takes consistent intention and the right support.

That’s where I come in.

The women that I serve have been experiencing big breakthroughs in their self-understanding and acceptance using what I call my Conscious Clearing Method.

My Conscious Clearing Method helps get to the origin of whatever you are currently experiencing as a block or limitation so you can clear it. It’s an embodied mindset practice, and it’s at the core of how I support women who want to birth their spiritual business.

Because it’s making such an impact, I’ve decided to share this piece of my coaching with anyone who books a free connection call in the month of June 2021. And, if you’re reading this after June, don’t worry! You can always check out my latest offerings or send me an email and see how you can connect with me about my coaching services.

Whether your block is around visibility, worthiness, or scarcity, working with me can help you get to what is underneath the fear so you can release the root of what is holding you back. Through this clearing work, we’ll free up your energy so you can finally birth your soul-led business with courage and clarity.

Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash